Grimm's Wooden Monochrome Rainbow Tunnel, Large
Grimm's Wooden Monochrome Rainbow Tunnel, Large
The large rainbow is really versatile: small children stack, sort and build and as the children get older they will use it as a cradle for dolls, as fence for animals, like a tunnel or bridge for vehicles, as house for dwarfs and dollhouse dolls, build amazing sculptures... this Tunnel will always be integrated in playing with a lot of fantasy.
Monochrome toys are designed with maximum reduction in both form and color. And the high contrast in color as well as textured surfaces of the monochrome series of toys help to develop individual needs.
Children with visual handicaps will be motivated to discover the world around them by discerning a more visible world. These multi-sensory toys with simple forms, high contrast coloring will aid in development and stimulation of particular senses.